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(1 edit)

It works yay. Had some issues getting to work but after awhile of finnicking it did work..

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your performance was analyzed with great interest.  Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience the software made you experience in attempting to launch it and making it work properly.

This was a really neat experience! I only wish I had uploaded my video before submitting the first form, as now I'm curious what my form  73-D would have said with that added in. 

(4 edits)

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your performance was analyzed with great interest. 

As a supplement to Form 73-D, here is relevant information.  You have obtained self-reflective result :

"[X] Material Loss" 

 We can also ascertain the following senses were affected during testing : 

"[X] Spatial Awareness / [X] Visual / [X] Hearing"

As a side note, thank you for insisting on the entertainment nature of the software and forms. We feel it is an important point to make about the entire experience.

I think the gaming world needs more to offer with an Alice  feel, which this game had for me (maybe even some Terry Gilliam? Who knows). The weirdness is delicious and I ate it up. 

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software.  Your assessment of related works is correct. TSOTG could be seen as a companion piece for stated work and creator.  

The game crashes as soon as you start the "tests"... Tried fullscreen, windowed, aspect ratio changed - crashes all the time...

(1 edit)

Our guess is that it doesn't crash, just takes too long. Any interaction, such as mouse clicks, on the (admittedly poorly implemented) loading screen will be interpreted by Windows as an idle program and it will suggest you to close the program. 
If waiting doesn't help, we will need more information. Feel free to contact us with error logs at

I sent a mail with the error report, says it crashes - although what you wrote is also true, from what I noticed. 

Deleted 3 years ago

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your form was received and analyzed by clinical staff. Expect form 73-D in your mail box in the coming day.

This was one of those games that Just sucked me in. I immediately fell in love with the visuals and how weird it was

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your performance was analyzed with great interest by clinical staff.

Deleted post

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your enthusiasm and willingness to share your train of thought were highly appreciated. Your performance was analyzed with great interest by clinical staff.

You guys do love Quay Brothers, don't you ? :) You should have a look at Patrick Bokanowski...

Indeed Bokanowski falls under a similar aesthetic than our main visual influences for TSOTG, the brothers Quay and Jan Svankmajer (especially the latter, since he always included more actors and live performances in his output).

Greetings from MikeyBlighe's Examination Supervisor.

A pleasant yet rather excitable patient, MikeyBlighe played through the simulation with great interest, although did experience a rather large amount of disorientation, which according to the patient is completely normal for him.

The patient found the graphical qualities of the game to be lo-fi yet still eye-catching, and the queries based on visual representation to be a very interesting methodology. However he did seem confused by the ending of the test, but was nonetheless impressed (if not equally bewildered) by the experience.

Form 42-B was sent along to you via electronic mail earlier today, I sincerely hope you find its contents useful and informative.

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your form was received and analyzed by clinical staff. Expect form 73-D in your mail box in the coming day.

I am not crazy! I am not crazy! I am not crazy! Really cool "game". Was not sure what to expect but was pleasently surprised and I throughly enjoyed this experience! Very unique as far as I know and it is worth your time for sure!

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your performance was analyzed with great interest by clinical staff.

A bizarre game with an interesting premise. I loved the game Nevermind, and how it showcased twisted imagery in the name of Psychology, and this was an interesting take on the Rorschach Test.

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your performance was analyzed with great interest by clinical staff.

Very interesting! I didn't necessarily have an ecstatic time, but this was intriguing! 

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. We are sorry you experienced discomfort during testing, but it is a known side-effect.

This experiment was very beneficial and I am glad I was one of the lucky test subjects to have also taken it. I thought I would go the extra mile and record my experiment for others to view so that they may come here to take it themselves. All joking aside, the game was really cool. More of a walking simulator with added effect but it was never going for a typical game feel so I enjoyed it!

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your form was received and analyzed by clinical staff. Expect form 73-D in your mail box in the coming day. 

Not sure I got the game, I guess that means I'm a loony.

This was a super cool idea! i enjoyed it!

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your performance was analyzed with great interest by clinical staff.

Deleted 4 years ago

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your performance was analyzed with great interest by clinical staff.

I am not sure what to think about this "Game"... If you do not see it as a Game and more like a "Quiz", it is really good ( The atmosphere is done pretty well!).

After all I can sit down on my Throne in Hell ;)

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. The TSOTG software was not designed to be a game (not in the commonly thought of sense, at least) and we were careful to correctly label it accordingly.

I am left feeling overall indifferent. Good thing it was on the patient form! In all seriousness, I'm not sure if this "game" was meant to be "memed" or an actual game with an actual story behind it, but I'll give you one thing, its a good idea, perhaps think about expanding on it? People love taking quizzes!- Took a look at the form twice... Very interesting about the church segment itself, as I made enough comments to fill both spaces. 

(1 edit)

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your form was received and analyzed by clinical staff. Expect form 73-D in your mail box in the coming day. The TSOTG software was not designed to be a game (not in the commonly thought of sense, at least) and we were careful to correctly label it accordingly.

really like the game very fun and interesting like how your tested this game reminds me of bio shock and fable feel cant cant wait for more games from you!!


I'm not sure what to make of this game? Do I call it a game as, it's suppose to be an, experimental test right? A look into t he psyche by a series of images and, determining the outcome based on first reaction. It was lost on me. The whole thing reminded me of one of those halloween mazes you go through to get a quick jump scare. The choices on the majority of the images I saw were vague and, none of them really portrayed what I saw in the scene at, all. Does that mean i'm demented? A deep thinker? This just left me confused. The end of it for me was confusing and, the  message at the end made no sense to me. I apologize I guess i'm not a good candidate for your experiment.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience. Do not worry about your reaction. The TSOTG test software is not intended for every type of patient profile. Hence why we hesitated in calling it a 'game', as it felt like a dishonest misnomer.

Not really sure what I was supposed to be doing. Next time I try one of these games I may actually put some thoughts in my answers but throughout the whole game I felt a need to rush and complete it as fast as possible, sorry if I butchered your game.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience. Sense of dread was determined as one of the possible side-effects of using the software, so your reaction is completely normal.

Gave it a go...


Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience. Your generosity in sharing the train of thought behind each of your answers was greatly appreciated by the clinical staff.

This is probably one of the weirdest LP's I've ever done, in a good way. This game's atmosphere, art direction and audio are all on point. The concept is very unique.  Not technically a horror game, per say, but it definitely creeped me out at times and could, oddly, fit into that category.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience.  We believe you have already been sent a form 73-D via email, prior to publishing a video of your performance. It should not, however, alter the results described in the form.

This game was a huge bundle of atmosphere. Immediately, the player is urged to immerse themselves into the game. The visuals are gold. It felt like I was walking around in a work of art at a museum. The whole premise of the game was extremely clever and I love how it is made to look like a real psyche evaluation. I definitely enjoyed this game. Thanks so much for making it!

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience.  For a more in-depth analysis, do not hesitate to send a properly filled form 42-B to the address provided on the form itself.

(1 edit)

Interesting game! I won't waste time repeating everything I said in the video but I echo the sentiments of other comments here. Lovely imagery, brilliant execution of a simple idea that lends itself very well to multiple endings, and I appreciate that you maintained tight focus on the concept and tone instead of tossing in random elements just because you could. Also liked the layout of the area. It called to mind a town emptied by the plague. Good job and good luck with future games!

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience.  For a more in-depth analysis, do not hesitate to send a properly filled form 42-B to the address provided on the form itself.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience. Your willingness to embrace introspection honors you. For a more in-depth analysis, do not hesitate to send a properly filled form 42-B to the address provided on the form itself.

Lol What in the world. 


Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience. Side effects documentation does include confusion, so your reaction is perfectly normal.

Absolute wow :D


Thank you for taking the time to complete our software examination. Even though the language barrier was a slight issue in your evaluation, clinical staff appreciated watching and studying your video performance.

Hi there, I just recently played through the game, it's definitely an interesting experience.

This was a really interesting take on a 'psychological evaluation' I liked how things were presented, instead of listing off the questions and having the player answer them, the approach of having the player look around for the different dioramas and presenting the questions that way with a visual representation is quite nice. 

The visuals of the game are a huge plus, every looks fantastic, though the blurring/depth of field effect is a little too high for my liking. I liked the variety of questions asked, some of them are a lot more complex when you start breaking them apart, and the visual representations feed into that more. It definitely made me think.

There wasn't anything that hindered my experience, everything seemed just fine.

I hope you don't mind but I recorded a short 'let's play' of the game for my channel.

Cheers and best wishes.


Thank you for taking the time to complete our software examination. Your willingness to share your train of thought was highly appreciated by the clinical staff who studied your video performance.

This really makes you think in general. I like that a bit and I can tell this will have an interesting results when all players play this experience.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software examination. Your experience took you into interesting and unexpected subject matters. 

Great game! Made me think O_O

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience. You are not the first patient to state the software generates a virus detection. To the best of our knowledge, there is no such malicious code inside the TSOTG software. Were you using Malware Bytes, by any chance?

That's Great Game! 
It was really a game with bright ideas.
재밌게 즐겼어요!

Thank you for your time and consideration for our examination software. Even though there was a language barrier, studying your performance on video was very interesting.

i was interested in taking the test, but i had a question i hope could get answered. is there any physical danger, or sudden surprises?

(3 edits)

There is no fail state in the software (you cannot be 'Game Over') nor are there opposing forces against the patient. Think of it as a walking simulator. Note, however, that two of the different possible endings demand the patient to simulate some form of harm, but none of those situations linger nor makes a spectacle of it.

Every new diorama is introduced by a sudden change in lighting and the sound of a projector being turned on, which might constitute a surprise for certain patients, depending on how they approach the interactive zones (although the zones are clearly indicated by floating lights).

It is a difficult question to answer, since it relies on a lot of personal preferences, but we assume it is a safe experience. Do not forget that the ESC button brings the software to an immediate stop (no sub-menu or confirmation needed), instated as a fail-safe in case of anxiety.

Hello! I really enjoyed the self reflecting factor of this game, It definitely Shows how we percieve things and how you can percieve something in more than one way! I really enjoy these kind of games and I really enjoyed your game! I wish you the best of luck in the future! 

(1 edit)

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software experience. Your willingness to embrace introspection honors you. For a more in-depth analysis, do not hesitate to send a properly filled form 42-B to the address provided on the form itself.

I have completed the form 42-B and have sent it to the adress provided. Please wait untill form has arrived at destination.

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed this. It was a very interesting game to play although in a way I guess it's not really game. At the end I was at a burning church and the words Let Go appeared on the screen. I have to say the experiance was pretty deep and made me feel strange but I hope to see more things like this. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete our software examination. For more in-depth analysis of your feelings and thoughts about the test, please fill form 42-B and send it to the address mentioned on the form. 

Otherwise, we apologize for any emotional discomfort caused by the experience. Those are known side-effects.

Interesting experience. The blurriness made me a little barfy by the end but I was kinda frantically running trying to find the last thing. 

Thank you for your time in completing our interactive experience.  The issues you are describing are shared by more than one patient, and as such are being worked and improved upon at this very moment.

This was a weird if what interesting and original idea. Just picking the word that the visual meant to you had you wondering what the ending would be. How many endings you have in this I have no idea but great to see what came out. Plays well and smooth although the blurring can get a little annoying. The sounds for the visuals were brilliant and really added to the experience. Top work... :)


Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your form was received and analyzed by clinical staff. Expect form 73-D in your mail box in the coming day.


This game was insightful. It puts the player in a deeper state of being in order to answer the questions truthfully. I did not mind the building textures, but I was able to focus on the massive stages and all of their intricacies. The artwork and renderings are a bit odd, but beautiful in their own manner. Regardless if this is a test or game, it is combined into a stranger and revealing experience.  I admired the moving pieces while looking deeper than the surface of these grand contraptions to categorize each picturesque attraction to one word. The feeling of being lost in a madhouse is always following you, almost as if you are in the labyrinth from the Shining, without the killer of course. In the end, I was confused by the last phrase, however just as in this game, I am left with the overall perspective of the depicted scenery.  Even the posters resembling World War Two propaganda peaked my interest and established the  deeper tone even further. The music is unmoving, rather present and keeps the player on edge thinking in the moment. As a game, this was a different indie creation than what I am accustomed to, nonetheless a great and interesting development. I can only hope you/ the development team will continue this obscure and wonderful experiment. 

Absolutely original. 


Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your form was received and analyzed by clinical staff. Expect form 73-D in your mail box in the coming day.

I have completed your test (twice) and I was pleased to take part, I hope my performance meets to any standard of (in)sanity.  5/5.

YouTuber:  Fellowplayer

Thank you for the time you put into experiencing the TSOTG evaluation software. Your form was received and analyzed by clinical staff. Expect form 73-D in your mail box in the coming day.

This looks really interesting! I'll play it on my channel and I'll post the link tomorrow! I'm really intrigued!! 


Thank you for your time and consideration! Looking forward to study your performance on video.

The video will be up at 12pm EST, but I'll link it here at the same time! I had a lot of fun and the ending is awesome! I did get lost though lol...

I loved playing this game so much! Thank you guys so much for this amazing game!!!

Thank you for investing your time and mental well-being in testing our software. We feel the need to remind you that the test has no actual clinical value (we are not psychiatrists), so please do not give too much credence to its results. It's all meant in good fun. Although we are glad to see the software used as a tool for self-reflection and introspection, which is how it was used in-house during development.

I understand that you guys aren't psychiatrists, I just thought the game was super interesting! And I had some good fun getting lost!

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